Results for 'Ronnie L. Scharfman'

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  1.  23
    Thanatography: Writing and Death in Abdelwahab Meddeb's "Talismano".Ronnie L. Scharfman - 1992 - Substance 21 (3):85.
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    Historical dictionary of Confucianism.Ronnie L. Littlejohn - 2023 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Historical Dictionary of Confucianism contains a chronology, an introduction, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has more than 700 cross-referenced entries on terms, personalities, movements, and texts of the tradition as it has made its trek across East Asia, especially to Korea and Japan.
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    Kleeman, Terry F., Celestial Masters: History and Ritual in Early Daoist Communities: Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016, xi + 425 pages.Ronnie L. Littlejohn - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (4):599-603.
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    Historical Dictionary of Daoism.Ronnie L. Littlejohn - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Historical Dictionary of Daoism contains a chronology, an introduction, appendixes and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 400 cross-referenced entries on related to the Chinese belief and practice worldview known as Daoism including dozens of Daoist terms, names, and practices.
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    A Response to Daniel Holbrook's 'Descartes on Persons' and Doug Anderson's 'The Legacy oE Bowne's Empiricism'.Ronnie L. Littlejohn - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement):15-20.
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    Daoism: An Introduction.Ronnie L. Littlejohn - 2009 - I.B. Tauris.
    "Littlejohn organizes his introduction around the central metaphor of a spreading kudzu vine, whose roots, trunk, stalks, branches, and leaves grow beneath, in, around, and over the vast and complex terrain of Chinese culture. He does a marvellous job exploring the origins, developments, and transformations of Daoism by guiding readers through canonical texts, across historical contexts, and around expressions of Daoism in fine art, popular symbols, literature, ritual, and other forms of material culture. The result is a masterful and comprehensive (...)
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    Taishan’s tradition: The quantification and prioritization of moral wrongs in a contemporary Daoist religion.Erin M. Cline & Ronnie L. Littlejohn - 2002 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 2 (1):117-140.
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    Recipes for resistance: the textualization of minority identity in Edmond El Maleh's Mille ans un jour.Ronnie Scharfman - 1995 - Paragraph 18 (1):90-99.
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  9. Duo de femmes en espèrance: Médiations transatlantiques.Ronnie Scharfman & Anne-Catherine Benchelah - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 101:215-226.
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    Parental Rights of Incarcerated Mothers with Children in Foster Care: A Policy Vacuum.Ronnie Halperin & Jennifer L. Harris - 2004 - Feminist Studies 30 (2):339-352.
  11.  26
    Frankish Rural Settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.John L. Meloy & Ronnie Ellenblum - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (2):286.
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    Monitoring Alpha Oscillations and Pupil Dilation across a Performance-Intensity Function.Catherine M. McMahon, Isabelle Boisvert, Peter de Lissa, Louise Granger, Ronny Ibrahim, Chi Yhun Lo, Kelly Miles & Petra L. Graham - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Chinese philosophy and philosophers: an introduction.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    For anyone looking to understand Chinese philosophy, here is the place to start. Introducing this vast and far-reaching tradition, the longest continuous heritage of philosophical reflection in our existence, Ronnie L. Littlejohn tells you everything you need to know about those Chinese thinkers who have made the biggest contributions to the conversation of philosophy. From the Han dynasty to the present, he leads us into the indigenous philosophical traditions of Confucianism, Daoism and the uniquely modified forms of Buddhism in (...)
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  14. Martin Rheinheimer, Das Kreuzfahrerfürstentum Galiläa.(Kieler Werkstücke, C/l.) Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1990. Paper. Pp. ix, 299; black-and-white illustration, 2 tables, 4 maps. $64.80. [REVIEW]Ronnie Ellenblum - 1993 - Speculum 68 (4):1203-1204.
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    Des Événements aux objects: La méthode de l’abstraction extensive chez A. N. Whitehead [From Events to Objects. A. N. Whitehead’s Method of Extensive Abstraction]. [REVIEW]Ronny Desmet - 2008 - Process Studies 37 (1):189-192.
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    Fair play i kroppsøvingsfaget i lys av aristotelisk dydsetikk.Ove Ronny Olsen Sæle - 2013 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):88-104.
    Artikkelen ønsker å gi et konstruktivt bidrag til forståelsen og anvendelsen av fair play i en kroppsøvingsfaglig kontekst. Dette er et tema som er blitt aktualisert i og med at fair play er kommet inn som et sentralt element i kroppsøvingsfagets nye reviderte læreplan. Fair play omhandler regler, normer og verdier som skal gjelde ved idrettsutøvelse, og det er et etablert verdikonsept innenfor organisert idrettsliv og idrettsetisk forskning. I skolen, derimot, er fair play mindre kjent. Kroppsøvingsplanen hevder fair play omfatter (...)
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    Littlejohn, Ronnie L. , daoism: An introduction. [REVIEW]Robin R. Wang - 2010 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9 (2):241-244.
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  18. La forma de la pena: aproximación fenomenológica de la encarnación de la pérdida.Ronnie Videla Reyes & Néstor González Durán - 2019 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14.
    El presente estudio busca describir fenomenológicamente la forma que exhibe la pena en el cuerpo, después de la pérdida de un ser querido. Para esto, se consideran las hipótesis de movimiento centrı́peto orientado a la autoafección, y movimiento centrı́fugo aludido a la ruptura de la intercorpereidad. Ambos movimientos, hacen referencia a la sensación ambigua que el cuerpo vive en la pena asociados a la presencia y ausencia del otro que ya no está, ya que el dolor provee un estado de (...)
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    Spinoza and the Freedom of Philosophizing.Mogens Lærke - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This study considers freedom of speech and the rules of engagement in the public sphere; good government, civic responsibility, and public education; and the foundations of religion and society, as seen through the eyes of seventeenth-century Dutch philosopher, Spinoza.
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  20. Fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning.L. A. Zadeh - 1975 - Synthese 30 (3-4):407-428.
    The term fuzzy logic is used in this paper to describe an imprecise logical system, FL, in which the truth-values are fuzzy subsets of the unit interval with linguistic labels such as true, false, not true, very true, quite true, not very true and not very false, etc. The truth-value set, , of FL is assumed to be generated by a context-free grammar, with a semantic rule providing a means of computing the meaning of each linguistic truth-value in as a (...)
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  21. The coherence theory of truth.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 34 (4):351 - 360.
  22. Traité de l'argumentation, collection « Logos ».Ch Perelman & L. Olbrechts-Tyteca - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (3):385-386.
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    Habermas. Editor, Jason L. Powell.Jason L. Powell (ed.) - 2012 - Nova Science Publishers.
    Biography of Habermas -- Critical theory -- Habermas and his works -- An assessment of the impact of Habermas -- Conclusion.
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  24. Picturing algorithmic surveillance: The politics of facial recognition systems.L. D. Introna & D. Wood - 2004 - Surveillance and Society 2.
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    (1 other version)The Method of Descartes.L. J. Beck - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (2):272-273.
  26.  18
    Justifying induction on modal -formulae.L. Alberucci, J. Krahenbuhl & T. Studer - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):805-817.
  27. Time in Brentanist tradition.L. Albertazzi - 1997 - Brentano Studien 7.
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    Proof-number search.L. Victor Allis, Maarten van der Meulen & H. Jaap van den Herik - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (1):91-124.
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    Some steps towards a general theory of relevance.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1994 - Synthese 101 (2):171 - 185.
    The classical analysis of relevance in probabilistic terms does not fit legal, moral or conversational relevance, and, though analysis in terms of a psychological model may fit conversational relevance, it certainly does not fit legal, moral or evidential relevance. It is important to notice here that some sentences are ambiguous between conversational and non-conversational relevance. But, if and only ifR is relevant to a questionQ, R is a reason, though not necessarily a complete or conclusive reason, for accepting or rejecting (...)
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    (1 other version)Meme and variations: A computational model of cultural evolution.L. Gabora - 1995 - In [Book Chapter].
    This paper describes a computational model of how ideas, or memes, evolve through the processes of variation, selection, and replication. Every iteration, each neural-network based agent in an artificial society has the opportunity to acquire a new meme, either through 1) INNOVATION, by mutating a previously-learned meme, or 2) IMITATION, by copying a meme performed by a neighbor. Imitation, mental simulation, and using past experience to bias mutation all increase the rate at which fitter memes evolve. Memes at epistatic loci (...)
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    Choice reaction with variable S-R mapping.L. H. Shaffer - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3):284.
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    Hair of the Frog and other Empty Metaphors: The Play Element in Figurative Language.L. David Ritchie & Valrie Dyhouse - 2008 - Metaphor and Symbol 23 (2):85-107.
    In this essay we discuss a class of apparently metaphorical idioms, exemplified by “fine as frog's hair,” that do not afford any obvious interpretation, and appear to have originated, at least in part, in language play. We review recent trends in both play theory and metaphor theory, and show that a playful approach to language is often an important element in the use and understanding of metaphors (and idioms generally), even when metaphors can be readily interpreted by means of a (...)
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  33. Fī ẓilāl al-ʻaqīdah wa-al-akhlāq: muḥāḍarāt al-Sayyid Kamāl al-Ḥaydarī.Kamāl Ḥaydarī - 2007 - Īrān: Dār Farāqid lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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  34. The Emotion Turn in Philosophy.L. Ware - manuscript
    This article focuses on the most recent debates in the vibrant and emerging subfield of philosophy of emotion research. Given the dominance of 'cognitivist' theories of emotion in the philosophy, neurobiology, and cognitive science of emotion, we have witnessed a move away from attempts to pit reason and emotion against each other. This move, however, has opened the door to a host of thorny challenges for how we think about our affective relationship with the world, with concepts, and with other (...)
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    L'épiphénoménologie de Husserl.Hubert L. Dreyfus & J. -Ph Jazé - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
  36. Brain embodiment of category-specific semantic memory circuits.L. Boroditsky & J. Prinz - 2008 - In Gün R. Semin & Eliot R. Smith (eds.), Embodied grounding: social, cognitive, affective, and neuroscientific approaches. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Personhood Begins at Birth: The Rational Foundation for Abortion Policy in a Secular State.L. Lewis Wall & Douglas Brown - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-19.
    The struggle over legal abortion access in the United States is a religious controversy, not a scientific debate. Religious activists who believe that meaningful individual life (i.e., “personhood”) begins at a specific “moment-of-conception” are attempting to pass laws that force this view upon all pregnant persons, irrespective of their medical circumstances, individual preferences, or personal religious beliefs. This paper argues that such actions promote a constitutionally prohibited “establishment of religion.” Abortion policy in a secular state must be based upon scientifically (...)
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  38. Changes in cortical activity in altered states of consciousness: The study of meditation by high-resolution EEG.L. I. Aftanas & S. A. Golosheikin - 2003 - Human Physiology 29 (2):143-151.
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    Réflexions sur les élémnents d'une politique militaire belge.L. Champion - 1972 - Res Publica 14 (4):827-842.
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  40. Hunger and Happiness: Feeding the Hungry, Nourishing Our Souls.L. Shannon Jung - 2009
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    37. Varro im vocabularium des Papias.L. Mercklin - 1848 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 3 (1-4):554-555.
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    Католицька біоетика як моральний регулятор людського вчинку.L. M. Pohorila - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:96-106.
    After a time of scientific discoveries, technological revolutions and cultural upheavals, after a time of elevation of the human genius to the highest peaks, it was time for deep anxiety for his own fragile future and the realization of the rather fragile state of many seemingly settled things. The development of the information space leads to the practice of mass indignation of the population, especially of children and adolescents, misunderstandings on the basis of economic and social achievements give rise to (...)
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    Sovremennai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡: slovarʹ i khrestomatii︠a︡.L. V. Zharov (ed.) - 1995 - Rostov-na-Donu: "Feniks".
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    Remorse and Regret: A Reply to Phillips and Price.L. N. Zoch - 1986 - Analysis 46 (1):54 - 57.
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    A note on inductive logic.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1973 - Journal of Philosophy 70 (2):27-40.
  46. Descartes and the doctor of princes (interpretation of Machiavelli's' Prince').L. Belas - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (1):21-30.
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  47. The copula of judgment and ontological difference in Hegel.L. Benyovszky - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (2):249-268.
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    A Criticism of the Psychoanalysts’ Theory of the Libido.L. L. Bernard - 1923 - The Monist 33 (2):240-271.
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    The evolution of social consciousness and of the social sciences.L. L. Bernard - 1932 - Psychological Review 39 (2):147-164.
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    The causation of sex in man.L. Doncaster - 1917 - The Eugenics Review 9 (2):141.
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